


英译MOORING AT TWILIGHT IN XUYI DISTRICTWei YingwuFurling my sail near the town of Huai,I find for harbour a little cove,Where a sudden breeze whips up the waves.The sun is growing dim now and sinks in the dusk.People are coming home. The bright mountain-peak darkens.Wildgeese fly down to an island of white weeds.At midnight I think of a northern city-gate,And I hear a bell tolling between me and sleep.

注释1.次:停泊。2.盱眙(xū yí):今属江苏,地处淮水南岸。3.逗:停留。淮镇:淮水旁的市镇,指盱眙。4.舫:船。5.临:靠近。6.驿:供邮差和官员旅宿的水陆交通站。7.“人归”句:意为日落城暗,人也回去休息了。8.芦洲:芦苇丛生的水洲。9.秦:今陕西的别称。因战国时为秦地而得名。10.客:诗人自称。此句意为孤独之夜,怀念家乡。​

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